Monday, September 19, 2011

Munster - Days 2, 3, 4

Posted by Courtenay at 9:26 AM
August 20, Day 2

The flight went fairly well, both girls arrived safely though a bit sleepy after flying all night long. There were lots of squeals, excitement, hugs, and happiness as we all drove from the airport to our home in Albachten. G's driving was nearly as fast as the pilot of the plane.

After some coffee, some chatting, and some rest, we all walked to the train station for the 7 minute trip to the big city, Münster. Before the train arrived, G ran home and changed into a short sleeved shirt because summer had surprisingly come to Germany that day!

We saw the bike garage,

St. Ludgeri Church (where the 3 cages that held the prisoners are still visible on the steeple),

and enjoyed the sights and smells of Münster and her bakeries.

We did some walking around the city and then decided to head to the town of Nottuln for a Bluesfest.

We drank beer, ate brats, and finished the night singing "I Saw the Light" at the top of our lungs with several hundred rowdy Germans.

August 21, Day 3

On Sunday the weather called for rain, but we ventured out to Telgte for the Medieval Festival anyway. It is the largest one in all of Europe and we enjoyed the craftsmen, the events, and, of course, the beer.

Sam wanted to hop in the hot tub,

Q wanted to hop on the horse,

and I wanted to hop in what I thought was a Medieval Conga Line but I opted out whan I learned it was a gaggle of plague ridden villagers being escorted out of town. The rains did come so we left without seeing all there was to see.

We went home, admired the gorgeous flowers G picked for us after his morning run, and when the rain stopped we decided to head back into the city to our little waterfront, Portside.

We started at Coconut Beach with some beer and wine from the Tiki Bar.

Sam made friends with a great Rhodesian Ridgeback.

Then we headed down the promenade to Freiheit 26 for some pretty good food. We ended the night like good little Germans - sitting around the kitchen table drinking schnapps.

August 22, Day 4

No pictures from the day, but we did go to the grocery store. I packed for the trip, and Sam and Q repacked adding some sweatshirts since the forecast for Paris was cold temps and rainy skies. We had a supper of antipasti, octopus & squid salad, baguettes, cheese, meat, and wine. Lots of wine. We went to bed fairly early in preparation for our early drive to Cologne to visit Uschi.


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